Uffici a Milano, Roma e Messina - Italia

Valentina Urso
Valentina Urso
Valentina Marra Urso

After having achieved the Law degree, with experimental thesis in International Comparative Law at the University of Law, she has attended in Rome, the course of preparation to the examination of Judge “Rocco Galli” and a Course of preparation to the examination of Judge at the University of Law of Messina. She has matured professional experiences in leading Italian Law Firms.

  • Skills : assistance and defence before Italian and International Courts and Arbitrations,.company and corporate law, commercial law, labour law, insurance law, aviation law
  • Sectors : aeronautics, aerospace, defence (including NATO NETMA) food and beverage, TMT, IT, IP, pharmaceutical and bio-technology, fashion, oil and gas, product liability, procurement, tender and bids, tourism, media and publicity, construction and engineering
  • Date of birth : 10/07/1970
  • Nationality : Italian
  • Languages : Italian, English, French, Spanish
  • Office : Milan, Messina
  • Email : valentina.urso@marraursolegal.it

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