Uffici a Milano, Roma e Messina - Italia

Our Firm
Marra Urso Legal

Our Aim

We believe that the passion, dedication and flexibility make the difference among our international business services from those of others.

Furthermore, we make the difference providing our Clients with tailored, timely and quality, business services and understanding their needs.

Our aim is to minimize the risks arising out businesses’ and companies’ activities.

The Firm

Marra Urso Legal Business Professionals has been founded in 2004, with the merger of two Law Firms.

Marra Urso Legal Business Professionals is an Italian Tax and Law Firm, specialised in providing legal and tax assistance both of contentious and non-contentious nature, and advice to national and international companies and enterprises. Our Law Firm is an international legal and tax practise too.

In 2015, the International Law Firm has acquired the business unit “Edos & Edmos”, to extend the business services to provide Clients with (www.edosedmos.com).

In line with the process of aggregation affecting the whole of today’s economy, Marra Urso Legal Associated relies on highly skilled Professionals, able to provide timely and quality services, tailored to the needs of each Client.

As our objective is to always identify the best possible and personalised/”tailored” solution to the Client’s needs, our Professionals will work in conjunction with tax and employment experts, public notaries, marketing experts, and other qualified Professionals, especially those who are already relied upon and trusted by the Company.

Marra Urso Legal Associated is a dynamic firm and relies upon Professionals, who assist their Clients wherever they may be, providing personalised solutions deriving from interactions with Clients and tailored to their needs, following an analytical and objective assessment of the matter.


Our high quality service and Client satisfaction are the primary objectives of our firm. These are out strengths and they motivate us to always be up-to-date, enabling us to deal with those legal issues deriving from the constant evolution of economical and financial systems.

Marra Urso Legal Associated offers business, legal and tax services to forward-thinking companies and businesses, to achieve the:

  • minimizing the risks arising out businesses’ and business activities
  • increasing profits and marginality
  • optimizing the business resources
  • acquiring new customers:
    • market consolidation on which the Company already operates and / or
    • positioning the Company into new, domestic and foreign, markets

Marra Urso Legal Business Professionals offers business strategies to assist the Companies/Businesses on their needs, from the drowning up of business plans to the implementation of any industrial plan.

Why Choose Us?

First Class Financial

Legal advice and assistance in connection with project finance and financing.

Dedicated Expert

The assistance to your Company is realized “preventively”, timely and complete.

Business Service

We provide your busines with the best legal and tax advice.

Professional Legal

Contact us or give us a call to get a free quote.

+39 02 87156704 Contact us today to get a quote.

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